Joyce Olewski Inman
Honors College Dean, University of Southern Mississippi | 118 College Drive, Box 5162, Hattiesburg, MS 39406
“Open Admissions, Resilience, and Basic Writing Ecologies: A New Cultural Narrative.” The Journal of Basic Writing (Special Issue: Democracy and Basic Writing) 42.1 (2023)
"Responding in Context: An Interchange." Co-authored with Rebecca Powell. College Composition and Communication. 71.1 (2023)
“Resisting Meritocracy: Students’ Conceptions of Work at a Regional University.” Co-authored with Rebecca Powell. Journal of College Learning and Literacy. 45.1 (2019)
“In the Absence of Grades: Dissonance and Desire in Course Contract Classrooms.” Co-authored with Rebecca Powell. College Composition and Communication. 70.1 (2018)
“Starting from the Archives: Digital Humanities Partnerships, Projects, and Pedagogies.” Co-authored with Jennifer Brannock and Craig Carey. Digital Humanities Libraries and Partnerships. Eds. Robin Kear and Kate Joranson. Chandos Publishing, 2018.
“Breaking out of the Basic Writing Closet: Queering the Thirdspace of Composition.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture. 18.1(2018)
“Story Changing Work and Asymmetrical Power Relationships in a Writing Center Partnership.” Co-authored with Ann McNair. BWe 13.1 (2014).
“’Standard’ Issue: Public Discourse, Ayers v. Fordice, and the Dilemma of the Basic Writer.” College English 75.3 (2013)
“Reflections on Year One as an Almost-WPA.” WPA 35.1 (2011)
2019 CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship, Article
2015-2016 College of Arts & Letters Junior Faculty Member of the Year Award
2015 Faculty Senate Junior Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award
"When Did Including Student Voices Become Radical? Or, True Inclusivity is Hard." Presentation. Writing Program Administrators Conference, Baltimore, MD, July 2019.
"Making Performance Transparent: Rethinking Basic Writing Programming." Presentation. College Composition and Communications Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2019.
“SOS: Next Steps for a Basic Writing Program.” Presentation. Writing Program Administrators Conference, Sacramento, CA, July 2018.
“From Equality to Efficiency: The Misappropriation of Rights Rhetoric in College Composition.” Presentation. Southern Regional Composition Conference, Memphis, TN, March 2018.
“Ayers v. Fordice: Tracing Networked Rhetorics through Marginalized Spaces.” Presentation. International Society for the History of Rhetoric, London, England, July 2017.
“Understanding Work and Change in the Composition Classroom via Course Contracts” Presentation. College Composition and Communications Conference, Portland, OR, March 2017.
“Inclusive Assessment: Writing Program Administration and Course Contracts.” Workshop Co-Director and Presenter. Writing Program Administrators Conference, Raleigh, NC, July 2016.
“Repurposing Assessment: Valuing Student Actions via Course Contracts” Workshop Co-Director and Presenter. College Composition and Communications Conference, Houston, TX, April 2016.
“WPAllies: A Conversation Starter about Horizontal Mentoring.” Presentation. Writing Program Administrators Conference, Boise, ID, July 2015.
“Queering the Third Space of Composition.” College Composition and Communications Conference, Tampa, FL, March 2015.